Exactly 1 month to go until the closing date for the 5th KOŠICE-MISKOLC Ultramarathon, 09.04.2023. You can only compete and complete the 117KM course in individual, pairs, 5 and 10 person relay if you register by 9 April.
We’ll let you in on the secret: there will definitely be 36 runners at the start for individuals, 10 for pairs, 12 for 5s and 14 for 10s.
👉 If you haven’t managed to build a team yet, sign up and we’ll help you build a team: https://forms.gle/9VARutHVJHackSu77
👉 Register: https://registration.maratonclubmiskolc.hu/termekkategoria/5kmum/
👉 Competition notice: https://kosicemiskolcultramarathon.eu/5-kassa-kosice-miskolc-ultramarathon-competition-notice/